Avocado Shrimp Ceviche
This looks "damn fine" as is, but we'll see. Oh yes. We will see.
Remember, kids:
Always brush your teeth "up and down" not "side to side".
And, don't Smack Up a recipe until you've tried the original recipe first.*
(*please refer to Rule #3.)
Rule #1: The first rule of Smack Club is, you do not talk about Smack Club.
Rule #2: The second rule of Smack Club is, oh okay, go on: talk about Smack Club.
Rule #3: No shirts, no shoes, no substitutions.
Rule #4: Smack like no one is looking, but only after Rule #3. Capeesh?
Rule #5: If this is your first reading of the Smack Club, you must follow the rules.
Or not. We don't really care.
08/16/10, HOLY SMOKES: Just a quick follow-update to my first testing of this recipe -- just as I suspected, it certainly is damn fine. It's easy to make, I smacked only one thing differently, okay, maybe two. Alright: three. But they were minor smacks and lip-smackin' good. Will post pics and recipe with smacks as soon as I drag them off the camera tonight?
08/24/10, HOLY SMOKES, part deux: ..."as soon as I drag them off the camera tonight" -- yeah right. The dog ate my homework, my camera batteries died, and oh, that means I have to (remember to) go to the store for batteries. "So, use your USB cable. Where's your USB cable?" Yes, that is a fine question.
But can I just say this, briefly: made batch number two of this (slightly smack'd) recipe, used lemons because I had no limes (or AA batteries) and Jumpin' Jiminy Good Grief Lawsy Maircy -- this is seriously simple, refreshing and tastes delicious, and feels good for you like B-12 shot without the needles. And, so far (that I know of) I haven't died or gotten a tapeworm from undercooked seafood. Yet. But use the freshest ingredients you can. of course. And of course, the combined acidity from the citrus fruits and (I used big Roma, not plum) tomatoes cooks the shrimp chunks up perfectly tender, thoroughly and ...
So much for brevity.
Simply put: Make this ceviche. And it looks nothing like the photo above. But. I recalculated the recipe for one serving, used a buncha fresh Key West pink (wild-caught) shrimp, three juicy limes, fresh cilantro, chopped Roma tomato, subbed in garlicky/onionish shallots for onions, tossed out this recipe's "Worchester-shister-shire, ketchup, hot sauce" hoopty-doo and subbed in a Sun Gold ketchu with freshly grated (okay, from a bottle) horseradish mixed in for the quickie cocktail sauce instead, then blobbed that on top a table (or water) cracker, heaped a spoonful of ceviche (left to marinate/refrigerate overnight, for good luck, and other reasons) as the topper and voila! Instant, wide-eyed "Dammit, that's too good to be true."
Note: I totally forgot about adding the avocado, which would only send it (and me right behind it) to the moon, next time. With a squeeze of fresh lime for rocket fuel.
I admit it: I'm currently in love with Mr. Ceviche.
And it's pronounced "sah-VEE-chay" and not "k'vetch". Oy vey, who knew, I'm such a crudite.
Enjoy. And images? I have a few. In my camera, and permanetly embedded in my dreams.